Thank you for taking a moment to visit our web site. I am so excited for you to have an opportunity to get a picture of who we are and what we are about here at Long Lake Friends Church! You are important to us! I pray that your first visit here on the web to our church was a positive experience for you! We would love to have you join us in person and hear this Sundays message! If you would like to learn more about the church, check us out on our Facebook page, where you can access our live stream events. You can do so by clicking the Facebook icon at the bottom of this page. May the Lord Bless you! Pastor Ken (PK)
Those in True Fellowship with God:
January 22 & 29 – Bible Study (7:00 pm – 8:00 pm)
January 23 & 30 – Euchre (7:00 pm)
February 1 – Men’s Breakfast (9:00 am)
We meet for worship
Sundays at 10:00 am
4172 Church Rd,
Traverse City, MI 49685
In the heart of Long Lake Township
Dress however you are comfortable. We worship as one family all ages and together.