Guidelines: The intent of these guidelines is to establish uniform policies which will result in good stewardship in the use of our church building. The facilities and services of the Church are available, upon request, for use by members and outside groups when consistent with the following:
- Requests are “nonprofit” in nature.
- Requests do not interfere with normal functions of the Church.
- Requests do not conflict with the perceived goals of the Church.
- No smoking and no alcohol will be permitted within the church facilities or lavatories. The Fire Marshall recommends no smoking and the Church’s insurance underwriter insists on a strict no smoking, no alcohol policy. It is also our policy in the interest of personal health and safety.
- Do not throw rice, bird seed, confetti, or other slippery substances in the interest of personal safety.
- NO TAPE on any painted walls.
- Any and all rooms used must be returned to original setup or additional charge will be billed.
General Policies: All meetings, events and use of facilities shall be arranged through the Church Trustees. Requests will be recorded on the Master Calendar of the Church, including starting and end times and party or organization name. The Building Use Form (attachment) will be filled out and signed by the RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S).
- The kitchen facilities will be supervised by the Church’s custodian if needed at the Church’s discretion. If spill(s) require the need for professional carpet cleaning service, this charge in total will be billed to the Responsible Person signing the use form.
- If an organization of this Church serves a meal to an outside group, there will be no rental fee for the use of the kitchen.
- Only church members and immediate family (father, mother, children) may request the use of Church facilities free of charge within the limitations set forth above. A donation would be appreciated.
Rental Fees: Governing the use of Long Lake Friends Church building and facilities:
- Pastoral Services (weddings, rehearsal) – $300.00 standard fee
- Sanctuary – $200.00 standard use fee
- Fellowship Room – $100.00
- Kitchen – $75.00
- Lower Level – $50.00
- Custodial Services POST event cleaning – $75.00
- Sound Equipment Tech – $50.00 (NO equipment is to be used except for those approved by Long Lake Friends Church)
- Trustee to open and close church – $30.00 (At church’s discretion they can have a Trustee onsite during the event. Will do walk through with you following your event.)
Payments: A $50.00 deposit (nonrefundable) is required upon reservation of facilities. One-half of the remainder shall be paid one month prior to your event. The balance is due at the time of the event prior to setup. Checks for building use are to be made payable to Long Lake Friends Church (LLFC). Checks for musical and sound tech services are to be made to the person(s) rendering the service. Send the completed Building Use Form and deposit to Long Lake Friends Church (LLFC), 4172 Church Rd, Traverse City, MI 49685. Call 231-946-5289 should you have any questions concerning this contract and we will call you back as soon as possible.